Two Sources and Heterogeneity of TAMs

TAMs, as the most abundant innate immune population in the tumor microenvironment (TME), account for approximately 50% of local hematopoietic cells. They share the same heterogeneity from anti-tumor to pro-tumor and differentiable plasticity.

Two Sources of TAMs

It is currently believed that TAM sources include two main types:

Differentiation and proliferation of both are regulated by CSF1R and its ligands IL-34 and CSF1.

BM-derived Monocytes

Driven by persistent, low-level stimulatory signals mediated by tumor-derived growth factors, cytokines, and DAMPs, the normal differentiation process of myeloid progenitor cells becomes restricted, resulting in the accumulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). This is a class of myeloid cells with immunosuppressive and tumor-promoting effects.

The characterization of MDSCs in both mice and humans mainly contains two subgroups, mononuclear MDSCs and multinuclear MDSCs.

Tissue-resident Macrophages

TRMs are affected by tumor-produced soluble factors and other TME damage. They undergo early inflammatory changes, assist in the recruitment of BM-derived monocytes, and promote the generation of TAMs.

The extent to which TRMs are involved in progression in different tumors is somewhat organ-specific.

Heterogeneity of Differentiated TAMs

Differential tumor-promoting capacity may exist between subpopulations of differentiated TAMs that are subject to different regulatory effects.

Both bone marrow-derived monocytes and tissue-resident macrophages contribute to TAM biology, and perhaps both could be targeted as strategies for reprogramming TAM into antitumor effectors.


  1. Christofides, Anthos, et al. "The complex role of tumor-infiltrating macrophages." Nature immunology 23.8 (2022): 1148-1156.
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