Mox Macrophage

Creative Biolabs summarizes the current knowledge on the phenotype, function, disease relevance, and therapeutic application of Mox macrophages.

Phenotype of Mox Macrophages

Mox macrophages are characterized by their distinctive macrophage morphology and molecular profile, which distinguish them from other types of polarized macrophages.

Mox macrophages are not a homogeneous population, but rather a heterogeneous group of cells that can be further classified into different subtypes based on their origin, location, stimulus, and function.

Functions of Mox Macrophages

Mox macrophages have various functions that are related to their phenotype and molecular profile.

Therefore, Mox macrophages have multiple functions that are influenced by their phenotype and molecular profile. Depending on the context and environment they are in, Mox macrophages can have beneficial or detrimental effects on oxidative stress and inflammation.

Role of Mox Macrophages in Diseases

Mox macrophages are involved in various diseases that are associated with oxidative stress and inflammation.

Besides atherosclerosis, obesity, and diabetes, Mox macrophages are also implicated in other diseases that involve oxidative stress and inflammation, such as liver cirrhosis, pulmonary fibrosis, neurodegenerative diseases, etc. In these diseases, Mox macrophages may have similar or different roles as in the above-mentioned diseases, depending on the specific pathophysiology and microenvironment of each disease. Therefore, Mox macrophages are a versatile and dynamic type of polarized macrophages that have diverse and complex effects on various diseases.

Therapeutic Application of Mox Macrophages

Mox macrophages have a potential therapeutic value for the treatment of diseases that are associated with oxidative stress and inflammation. One of the possible ways to use Mox macrophages for therapy is to modulate their phenotype and function by using pharmacological agents or genetic manipulations.

Another possible way to use Mox macrophages for therapy is to transplant them into the diseased organs and tissues, where they can exert their beneficial effects by performing their functions.

Therefore, Mox macrophages have a potential therapeutic value for the treatment of diseases that are associated with oxidative stress and inflammation.


  1. Serbulea V, et al. "Macrophage phenotype and bioenergetics are controlled by oxidized phospholipids identified in lean and obese adipose tissue". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, (2018).
  2. Gill N, et al. "The immunophenotype of decidual macrophages in acute atherosis". Am J Reprod Immunol, (2019).
  3. Wang L, et al. "Ironing out macrophages in atherosclerosis". Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai), (2023).
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