Macrophage Composition and Metabolism

Macrophage cells are composed of various organelles, such as nucleus, cytoplasm, plasma membrane, lysosomes, mitochondria, Golgi complex, endoplasmic reticulum, etc. They have different shapes and phenotypes depending on their location and activation state. Macrophages have a complex metabolism, involving glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid synthesis and oxidation, amino acid metabolism, etc. They can adapt their metabolism to different environmental stimuli and functional demands.

Creative Biolabs summarizes the current knowledge on the composition and metabolism of macrophages, and discusses how they affect their functions in immunity, inflammation, tissue homeostasis, and repair.

Macrophage Composition

The composition of macrophages is not static, but dynamic and adaptable to the changing conditions of the tissue microenvironment. Macrophages are composed of various molecular and cellular components that enable them to perform their diverse functions in immunity, inflammation, tissue homeostasis, and repair. Some of the key components of macrophages are:

Macrophage Metabolism

In conclusion, macrophages have many organelles that help them perform their functions, such as lysosomes that digest the engulfed material, mitochondria that provide energy, and endoplasmic reticulum that synthesizes proteins and lipids. Macrophages can change their shape and behavior according to the signals they receive from the environment. They can also switch their metabolism to use different sources of fuel and produce different molecules that affect the immune response.

Macrophages are versatile and adaptable cells that play a key role in immunity. Creative Biolabs provides a variety of macrophage related products and services to help researchers.


  1. Viola A, et al. "The Metabolic Signature of Macrophage Responses". Front Immunol, (2019).
  2. Luan H, et al. "Dynamic changes in macrophage metabolism modulate induction and suppression of Type I inflammatory responses". Curr Opin Immunol, (2021).
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